WP75 Firmware & Legato framework releases

Clarity required on “WP75xx Firmware” Release and the Legato Releases.

On the latest firmware page
I see the post was done on Jan 11 2018,

WP8548 & WP75xx Firmware Release 15
Jan 13, 2018 - Author: Sierra Wireless - Version 15 - 1650 Views

At the bottom of the page I see that its base Legato Release for Generic — GCF : 16.10.4.

On my host linux PC, I have my legato framework setup with the latest manifest 18.01.0. I am bit confused about if there is an issue ? I have already updated this firmware, while I am building sample applications built on 18.01.0 legato for my Mango Red (WP7502).

Hi ,

Officially, WPx5 firmware doesnt support Legato older than 16.10.4. This is ok for some use cases however if you want the latest Legato features then you need to upgrade to the newer Legato.
