Unable to detect mangOH Green

Hi all,

I have a mangOH Green REV 8 with WP8548 installed. Now I cannot detect the device on my Linux laptop. The led 1 and 12 are on. But no usb device can be detected on my laptop. I power cycled the device several times, after which the connection succeeded once. Then the connection failed when I tried to re-install the firmware. After that I cannot detect the device any more again.

I connected with my laptop via USB. I will try with the serial port when I get a serial-to-usb cable. Any idea how this can happen, and how I can debug it?

Thx a lot.

There a few people with same question as this. Can you :eyes: through previous forum posts to see if that helps?

Yeah of course, sorry Ashish. This morning I took out the chip and then re-installed it then everything works fine again.