A modification was made to the httpGet example using a timer that runs the le_data_Request () function every 5 seconds. This application is compiled and runs on a
wp7607 modem connected in a mangohred and using the command logread -f to check the report of the application
After 85 minutes that the application is working correctly, the program reports the following line:
Jun 13 05:24:33 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon [1035] / le_pa_gnss T = unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler () 1537 | Bad position indication
Jun 13 05:22:03 swi-mdm9x28-wp user.warn Legato: -WRN- | posDaemon [1035] / le_pa_gnss T = unknown | pa_gnss_qmi.c PositionHandler () 1537 | Bad position indication
and it stays in an infinite loop calling that line every 5 seconds
Firmware version legato 20_04