So no fw problems? Can you give me why you say hw problems in order that I can confront with your ideas, study them and give good reasons to my superiors to change board? I think i am the deal with you, it is impossible for nothing to work, i just want to see if there is an objective way to prove that there are hardware problems so i can justify it to my superior. Sorry to bother, really.
One of them says not hw problem because it’s impossible that don’t work both SPI and UIM. I don’t know what say, I think that module wp7607 has problems… . But my doubt is that the problem could be firmware type ( could I have mistakenly changed something of the initial firmware of the wp module?) or simply hw type. I tried to lounch .exe on windows (in one test release 16 and in the other one test release 13.1) but nothing change. The other biggest problem is that I can’t find other ways to restore firmware on the module because sierra wireless website is off since march 23