GPIO not working

I’m trying to read the GPIOs, using the supplied gpioCf3 example as a basis.

But it doesn’t work: I’ve set all the GPIOs as inputs with pullups, yet some of them read as zero!
When I apply 0V or 1.8V (via 1k resistor) the values read do not change, and change event handlers are not called.

The voltage at the GPIOs is ~ 0.3 - 0.4 V.

For each input, the setup looks like this:

 *  Pin-per-service GPIO pin33 as example = IoT0 GPIO2
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void Pin33GpioSignal()
    bool value = false;
    value = le_gpioPin33_Read();
    LE_INFO("Pin33 read active: %d", value);

    le_gpioPin33_ChangeEventHandlerRef_t ref = le_gpioPin33_AddChangeEventHandler(LE_GPIOPIN33_EDGE_BOTH, PinChangeCallback, &Pin33, 100);

    LE_INFO("Pin33 change handler ref: %p", ref);

    // Change the edge setting

I also read the inputs on a timer:

static void tmrHandler(le_timer_Ref_t timerRef) {
    LE_INFO( "- %d %d %d - %d %d %d %d - %d %d %d",
    	// IoT0

	// IoT1

	// IoT2

(Pin42 is commented-out, because the app crashes when this is included in the .adef/.cdef)

I am using these breakout boards from Farnell (Element-14) to access the GPIOs:

I can find no documentation or schematic for these, but it seem that the holes marked 17-11 are the four GPIOs?

Where am I going wrong?

This is what I worked out as the pinout - in case any one can spot any errors/omissions:

(the forum won’t let me attach the Excel original - hopefully the image is usable).

Can anyone help me with a code to toggle a GPIO (i want to use le_gpioPin7)
I am using below api to change the le_gpioPin7 state to high and working good. My application start manually so the problem here is le_gpioPin7 always remains high after power restart. is it ok or something wrong

myGpio_SetPushPullOutput(LE_GPIOPIN7_ACTIVE_HIGH, false);
LE_INFO(“myGPIO is High”);

Can you look through the sample code below and compare to what you have:

The bilgesensor app uses gpio7

Hi Ashish,
Thank you for the link. I can see in all sample apps CF3 GPIOs are used as input (bilgesensor app uses gpio7 as input) but I want to use a GPIO as an output.


For GPIO output, please see this sample app:

Thanks. Yes this work for me. Now I have understood the use of gpio api.

Hi everyone…i am a new user here. In my case I am using below api to change the le_gpioPin7 state to high and working good. My application start manually so the problem here is le_gpioPin7 always remains high after power restart.

turnkey pcb assembly

@JaseSerre seems like you were pasting the API but it went to advertisement page. Can you repost?
thank you.