We are currently using MangOH Yellow cards with a WP7702 chip.
Some of our systems in the field have encountered a problem.
They no longer go into ULPM mode.
We use the latest image of the MangOH Yellow software provided by the MangOH website: 0.7.0
With a slight modification of the Mango firmware: Modification of the accelerometer driver
And modification of the Yocto: Modification of the curl package + addition of python library
Method to switch to ULPM mode:
We use a Legato application in C
Code :
//Réveil sur Timer
//Réveil sur ADC
if (le_ulpm_ShutDown() == LE_OK){
FILE *fp = popen(“echo -e 'at+cpsms=0\r\n’ > /dev/ttyAT”,“r”);
We have never encountered this problem in the office so far.
As the systems are currently in the field, I cannot provide more logs.
Our system wakes up every 15 minutes. It retrieves some data from an external sensor and switches back to ULPM mode. And every hour, it sends a file with the data by FTP. The system has been in the field for a month and has had no issues until this week.
We’ve restarted some systems at the office in hopes of reproducing the error, but this is an issue we hadn’t previously detected in our testing.
I forgot one detail:
If I can’t go to ULPM the system restarts: my application does: reboot -f after a while but the problem persists. It seems the solution is to do a hardware reboot (interrupt ON/OFF) and after that the system can switch to ULPM mode but I can’t do that when the system is in the field.
On some systems we upgraded to swi-wp77_5.0.1 (MCU 2.015) and one system seems to have this problem but we haven’t gotten the log yet.
On the previous version the problem did not appear immediately. We have systems that have never had this issue and systems that have had this issue after a week in the field.
I don’t have the system with me. As I said in the previous post, I do a reboot if I can’t get into ULPM. But after some time the recovery mechanism is activated and I lose the Legato apps and the file on the system (I will write a new post about this). The log I am posting is from a system we recovered in the field after an I2C problem and before the recovery mechanism.
It’s on this system that I do a hardware reboot (ON/OFF), and I can’t remember if the MCU version was missing.
On a system reboot my app uses: reboot -f, when I don’t have ULPM so every 15 minutes (96 reboots per day) but it seems to only reboot the CPU but not the MCU.
Is there a software command to restart both?
i am not sure if AT!RESET is equal to “reboot -f”, you might give a try to use AT!RESET and see if it can reset both modem and MCU.
Another option is to download the FW including MCU FW, I guess it would also reboot the MCU.