Wp7608 uart1 & uart2 configuration


we would like to use the wp7608 uart interfaces as following

  • uart2 for the linux console
  • uart1 for the rs485 communication.

Hence we would like to know how we can configure the baud-rates of the above uart’s in linux to check the maximum speed that they can support for our custom application.

Any inputs on this topic is greatly appreciated.


Hi ,

Any inputs on this topic ?



To config uart1 for the linux console, it is possible.
However uart2 for the rs485 communication, may be done by linux application.

For baud rate, I have no idea.


I checked on the mangOH board,

  • Uart 2 (ttyHSL1)– Linux system console operating at 115200 baud rate.

We would like to change the baudrate from the bootloader parameters and check the maximum supported speed .

As I dont see there is no access to boot loader environment to change the boot parameters. Can some one suggest the better approach to check the various Uart speed

  • Uart 1 (ttyHS0)– Used for custom application operates at 9600 baud rate.
    As, Uart 2 supports 115200 speed , am I correct in saying the Uart1 also can supports the same if we configure this correctly in software. Please let us know if there are any spec differences between Uart1 & Uart2


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Can some one suggest some inputs to make a progress on this topic


I had verified/tested the uart1 baudrates to various configuration, using stty from linux & connecting pin12 & pin 13 pins of iot card to PC serial port. Its working as expected.

Hi Stirulaka

Do you need config baud rate of UART1 before test?

Hi, are you using UART on the IoT card? If so did you configure the board in some way. I use the serial on Pi connector and it works fine but on the Iot card I cannot see any data coming in.