Where can I find the le_tty.api?

Hi All,

I made a simple sample to do test a serial port.
But, there is a compile error due to can’t find le_tty.api’s components.
where can i find and use le_tty.api? It wasn’t included in the Legato AF 16.10.1.(or 16.10.3).

Thanks in advance,

le_tty is a built-in part of the framework, so you shouldn’t need any “requires api” in your Component.cdef nor do you need to define any bindings in your .adef in order to use it.

Hi Dfrey,

Thanks for the reply.
But, there is a compile error even though I didn’t define any ‘requires api’ and bindings in my Component.cdef and .adef.
Could you review the error message below?

chasejang@chasejang-ubuntu:~/Projects/Legato/legato/apps/sample/ttyTest$ make wp750x
mkapp -v -t wp750x
Executing ninja build system…
$ ninja -v -d explain -f _build_ttyTest/wp750x/build.ninja
ninja explain: output _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/read-only/bin/ttyTest doesn’t exist
ninja explain: _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/read-only/bin/ttyTest is dirty
ninja explain: _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/info.properties is dirty
[1/3] /home/chasejang/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142/resources/native/wrapper/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc --sysroot=/home/chasejang/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi -o _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/read-only/bin/ttyTest _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/obj/ttyTest/_main.c.o -rdynamic -Wl,–enable-new-dtags,-rpath="$ORIGIN/…/lib" -L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L$LEGATO_BUILD/framework/lib” -llegato -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lm
FAILED: /home/chasejang/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142/resources/native/wrapper/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc --sysroot=/home/chasejang/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142/resources/native/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi -o _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/read-only/bin/ttyTest _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/obj/ttyTest/_main.c.o -rdynamic -Wl,–enable-new-dtags,-rpath="$ORIGIN/…/lib" -L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L$LEGATO_BUILD/framework/lib” -llegato -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lm
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_GetBaudRate' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_Open’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetRaw' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_SetFlowControl’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetFraming' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_Close’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetCanonical' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_SetBaudRate’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
make: *** [wp750x] Error 1

I mean I’d like to test a le_tty_xxx APIs.
Could you let me know how to do it?

Thanks in advance,

Do you have a built version of Legato and a LEGATO_ROOT environment variable set?

What does a built version of Legato mean?
Do you mean the version of mangOH’s Legato? Or, a Legato AF version of host PC?
LEGATO_ROOT environment variable is defined.

I can make exe of my sample app now. Thanks for your comment.
There was a crash between build environment.
But, there is a error when I run it in my mangOH board(w/ WP7504) as below.

  • capture by logread
    Jan 9 23:44:22 swi-mdm9x15 user.err Legato: =ERR= | ttyTest[27280] | ttyTest: symbol lookup error: /lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined symbol: le_tty_Open

Could you let me know how to resolve this error?

Hi Chase ,

If it is possible , Can you please share your Application files.
I suspect , This to be related build environment.
Linking of this Runtime Library is not success .
Please check if your legato build is successful
Before building Application , build legato framework and check.

Also check for the symbol in nm -D libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so , if its listing all API’s as

0000000000201058 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201058 D _edata
0000000000201070 B _end
U event_QueueComponentInit
0000000000000a74 T _fini
w gmon_start
00000000000007d0 T _init
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
U _le_log_Send
U le_tty_Open
U le_tty_SetCanonical
U log_RegComponent
0000000000000955 T _ttyComp_COMPONENT_INIT
0000000000201068 B ttyComp_LogLevelFilterPtr
0000000000201060 B ttyComp_LogSession


ttyTest.tar.gz (49.3 KB)

Hi Ankita,

Sorry for the late reply. Please refer to attachment.
And, I checked my library file via ‘nm -D xxx’ as below.

0000b220 B bss_end
0000b220 B bss_end_
0000b214 B __bss_start
0000b214 B bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000b214 D _edata
0000b220 B _end
0000b220 B end
U event_QueueComponentInit
U exit
U fcntl
U fd_Close
00002878 T _fini
w gmon_start
00000794 T _init
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
w _Jv_RegisterClasses
U _le_log_Send
U _le_log_SetFilterLevel
U le_tty_Close
U le_tty_GetBaudRate
U le_tty_Open
U le_tty_SetBaudRate
U le_tty_SetCanonical
U le_tty_SetFlowControl
U le_tty_SetFraming
U le_tty_SetRaw
U log_RegComponent
U tcgetattr
U tcsetattr
00002488 T _ttyTestComponent_COMPONENT_INIT
0000b21c B ttyTestComponent_LogLevelFilterPtr
0000b218 B ttyTestComponent_LogSession

Thanks in Advance,

Hi Chase ,

I tried reproducing the issue , but it worked fine for me.
I suspect this to be related to build issues of Legato Framework

Please follow the below steps

1.Download the source for legato


2.Make Sure you have toolchain for wp750x

3.run make wp750x on your legato root.

4.After build is successfull set environment using

5.Go to your application folder and build your app with mkapp tool
cd apps/sample/ttyTest/
mkapp -t wp750x ttyTest.adef

6.Install your Application using instapp tool
instapp ttyTest.wp750x.update

  1. In your target root
    app status
    you can check your application installed.
    Also , Make sure same legato version/framework is running on the target
    fwupdate query

Secondly , there was one issue in the application
As your are trying to open /dev/ttyS0 (in my case Console on target is /dev/ttyHS0)
add that to your .adef as below
[rw] /dev/ttyHS0 /dev/ttyHS0


I made the above changes in .adef before building application .
as it was not able to open the device path (though it existed)

I can see below logs of test cases execution
5. I can see below logs
Jan 6 02:40:29 swi-mdm9x15 user.warn kernel: [ 1690.436166] msm_serial_hs: Rx break
Jan 6 02:40:29 swi-mdm9x15 user.info Legato: INFO | ttyTest[4077]/ttyTestComponent T=main | ttyTest.c _ttyTestComponent_COMPONENT_INIT() 319 | ======== Tty Test Completed Successfully ========
Jan 6 02:40:29 swi-mdm9x15 user.info Legato: INFO | supervisor[461]/supervisor T=main | proc.c proc_SigChildHandler() 1942 | Process ‘ttyTest’ (PID: 4077) has exited with exit code 0.
Jan 6 02:40:29 swi-mdm9x15 user.warn Legato: -WRN- | _appStopClient[4087]/framework T=main | LE_FILENAME CreateSocket() 550 | Socket opened as standard i/o file descriptor 2!
Jan 6 02:40:29 swi-mdm9x15 user.info Legato: INFO | supervisor[461]/supervisor T=main | apps.c DeactivateAppContainer() 340 | Application ‘ttyTest’ has stopped

If build environment is proper , i think this will solve the issue.


Hi Ankita,

Thanks for your kindly reply.
I have modified my environment as your recommendation.

  1. Download the source for legato
  • I have download 16.07 version due to mangOH’s Legato version is 16.07.0_83d5ae80e6896b93abca6648c7f13b86_modified
  1. Make sure you have toolchain for sp750x
  1. make wp750x on my legato root

  2. ./bin/legs

  3. build app with mkapp tool

  • and then, I met another error as below

chasejang@chasejang-ubuntu:~/Projects/legato-16.07.0/apps/sample/ttyTest$ mkapp -t wp750x ttyTest.adef
[6/8] Linking C executable
FAILED: /opt/swi/y17-ext/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc --sysroot=/opt/swi/y17-ext/sysroots/armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi -o _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/staging/read-only/bin/ttyTest _build_ttyTest/wp750x/app/ttyTest/obj/ttyTest/_main.c.o -rdynamic -Wl,–enable-new-dtags,-rpath="$ORIGIN/…/lib" -L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib” -lComponent_ttyTestComponent “-L$LEGATO_BUILD/framework/lib” -llegato -lpthread -lrt -ldl -lm
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_GetBaudRate' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_Open’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetRaw' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_SetFlowControl’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetFraming' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_Close’
_build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference to le_tty_SetCanonical' _build_ttyTest/wp750x/staging/read-only/lib/libComponent_ttyTestComponent.so: undefined reference tole_tty_SetBaudRate’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

How to resolve it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Chase ,

I can’t see tty API’s in Legato 16.07.0

You can check available API’s here

It is good to check the available API’s in each release .

You can view supported APIs here


User Docs ->API Guides ->C Runtime Library

I would suggest you to use Latest Legato Framework for Wp series / Legato Version 16.10.1


Hi Ankita,

Could you send the toolchain v16.10.1? or, Could you let me know where can I download it?
Because, I can’t download it from the sierra link below.(it’s gone.)

Thanks in advance,

Hi Chase ,

You can also use legato-spm to download package
Please follow the steps in this link



Hi Ankita,

Thanks, but it is not the toolchain.
Could you please recheck it? I want to download the toolchain begin as “poky-swi-ext…”.

And, I have one more question.
Could you let me know the Legato version of your mangOH?
It is 16.07.0_xxxxxxxxx_modified in my case.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Chase ,

I posted the link for Legato Framework only. (i.e atest SDK version for WP85 module (and update legato.sdk.latest link))

You can download full package , just follow these steps .

Install latest PDK version for WP85 module (including Legato Source code distribution package)

The following packages will be installed

  • Legato for WP85/WP75
  • Legato Application Framework
  • Legato Device Image for WP85/WP75
  • GCC cross compiler Toolchain
  • Legato Recovery Tooling for Linux

I am using Legato 16.10.1


Hi Ankita,

I already have installed all packages and I need the toolchain v16.10.1 only.
When I try to download it from the site below, there is an error.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Chase ,

I checked https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/legato/downloads/.
I can see the link expired .

So i would suggest , the best way you can get tool-chain is through legato-spm.


Hi Ankita,

I see.
Thanks for your kindly reply.

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