I have now two mangOH boards, is it possible to connect these two boards to AirVantage at the same time?
It just likes that AirVantage receives some data from one board and does some coordination action, then sends the result to the other board. The value from one board should influence the value to another board, such as according to the values of sensor setting the temperature of a room.
As far as I know that AirVantage supports one mangOH board under a Monitorsystem. Is that possible to register two boards under the same system or is ther any way to establish a communication between two board or two systems in the AirVantage?
fill the field (name, serial number, IMEI)
You can then go to Monitor > Systems and click on the mangoh you want to use, add application, build a dashboard, define alert rule, …
Then you can publish your data to /messages/json and the other board can subscribe to this topic as well.
Thx for reply.
I have found a mangOH project containing two apps about data router and mqtt client that support my idea in the following links
So I tried to set it up but met some problems.
legato@legato-VM:~$ source ~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.latest/resources/configlegatoenv
bash: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.latest/resources/configlegatoenv: No such file or directory
I checked the version about framework in the system,there are more than one.
Then I tried to load Legato development environment with both paths, but it did not work.
legato@legato-VM:~ source ~/home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv
bash: /home/legato/home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv: No such file or directory
legato@legato-VM:~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources chmod u+x configlegatoenv
legato@legato-VM:~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources$ configlegatoenv
configlegatoenv: command not found
legato@legato-VM:~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources$ ./configlegatoenv
ERROR: this script needs to be sourced
legato@legato-VM:~$ source ~/home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.1.0.wp85-native-x86_64-201602240919/resources/configlegatoenv
bash: /home/legato/home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.1.0.wp85-native-x86_64-201602240919/resources/configlegatoenv: No such file or directory
Is there anyway to change the paths?
How could I set up the project?
It looks like there is a mistake in your command line. ~ path is equivalent to /home/legato in your context (the home directory of your legato user)
So either you do: source /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv
or: source ~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv
But the ~/home/legato/xxx paths certainly don’t exist!
By the way, the legato.sdk.latest link is updated only when you use legato-spm command-line utility. My guess is that you installed the Legato 16.07 version with Developer Studio.
Anyway, you can refresh the link after the install, by doing a legato-spm --update-link --> this will set the legato.sdk.latest link to the latest installed SDK (here your 16.07 version)
U are right, I updated the Legato 16.07 with Developer Studio.
I have followed ur suggestion, both of that works.
legato@legato-VM:~$ source /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv
Modules: wp85, wp750x
SDK Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259
Framework Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.framework. - $LEGATO_ROOT
Toolchain Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142 - $WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR $WP750X_TOOLCHAIN_DIR
Device Image Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.device.image. - $WPX5_DEVICE_IMAGE
Recovery tools Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.recovery.4.0.0.linux-201607191626 - $WPX5_RECOVERY
No toolchain found for target ‘ar7’.
Unable to find compatible cross-build toolchain for target ‘ar7’.
No toolchain found for target ‘ar86’.
Unable to find compatible cross-build toolchain for target ‘ar86’.
legato@legato-VM:~$ legato-spm --update-link
legato-spm: command not found
legato@legato-VM:~$ source ~/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259/resources/configlegatoenv
Modules: wp85, wp750x
SDK Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259
Framework Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.framework. - $LEGATO_ROOT
Toolchain Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.3.fw_SWI9X15Y_07110900-wp85-wp750x-native-x86_64-201608171142 - $WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR $WP750X_TOOLCHAIN_DIR
Device Image Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.device.image. - $WPX5_DEVICE_IMAGE
Recovery tools Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.recovery.4.0.0.linux-201607191626 - $WPX5_RECOVERY
No toolchain found for target ‘ar7’.
Unable to find compatible cross-build toolchain for target ‘ar7’.
No toolchain found for target ‘ar86’.
Unable to find compatible cross-build toolchain for target ‘ar86’.
legato@legato-VM:~$ legato-spm --update-link
Refreshing installed packages
Update latest link to SDK version 16.7.0.wp85-wp75-native-x86_64-201610241259
When I open a new terminal, the paths are still old.
Module: wp85
SDK Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.sdk.16.1.0.wp85-native-x86_64-201602240919
Framework Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.framework.16.1.0.Beta
Toolchain Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.toolchain.1.7.2.fw_SWI9X15Y_07080200-wp85-native-x86_64-201602121108
Device Image Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.device.image.
Recovery tools Path: /home/legato/legato/packages/legato.recovery.16.1.0.linux-wp85-201602121442
bash: bin/configlegatoenv: No such file or directory
master branch on MangOH github repo is compatible with Legato 16.10
You should either checkout the 16.07 branch if you want to stay with Legato 16.07, or upgrade your development environment to 16.10
Please update to 16.10. If there is a reason why you can’t update to 16.10 or don’t want to then I would like to hear about that so we can improve the experience in future.