I have successfully tested MangOH red with MCP2515 CAN controller IOT Card.
We made a custom board with WP7608 for CAN interface. Followed the same interface circuit mentioned in the mangOH red and IOT card. Only the difference was instead of MCP2515, we used MCP2517FD.
Microchip confirmed , both CAN controller IC has same driver. But, we tried a lot, not working.
Can anyone help , is there any change is required in the interface ?
did you look through the driver itself to see whether it supports the FD option? Why do you need FD ?
Also, I think you will run into packet errors when you use FD.
HI Asyal,
Yes. Feels , MangOH build driver support fd too since driver mentioned as “mcp251x”
We kept FD thinking that in future if required, we can use. We double checked with Microchip FAE too, whether driver compatibility is there or not with MCP2515. Reply was positive.
We feel that, the IOT card EEPROM ( IOT Identifier ) is the culprit who blocks the communication with CAN-Controller. If you have any idea how to skip this in MangOH source , it will be helpful.