I have a problem following the getting started doc in order to set up the MangOH Red. I’m stricktly following the steps in the “GettingStartedWinCLI_r3.pdf” file (for windows) and I’m not able to see the applications gpioExpanderServiceRed, mqttClient and redSensorToCloud in my device (WP8548) typing the app status command.
I’m using virtual box as describe in the file (I have a little expirience with linux) and it seems that the build is ok, but never appear these apps, so I can not conect with AirVantage using the RedSensorToCloud.
I´ve upgraded the Legato AF to 17.11 and they keep equal, not appears.
I program the board with the following command: $ instsys mangOH_Red.wp85.update
After this command, the board is restarting (I can see the boot output in the console and the board doesn´t reply any ping). Some minutes later, the board reply normally, but $ app status never shows those apps.