MangOH Red bricked (recovery doesn't work)


My Mangoh boots ant prints (after kernel panics or by using the switch position 7) :

B - 3034445 - ssmem_release: region 20 not exists
B - 3034506 - ssmem_get: region 20 not exists
B - 3040514 - smart recovery counter cleared
B - 3461841 - Sahara over USB

Usually, I could reflash the board with the command:
swiflash -m “wp77xx” -i soft.spk

but now, it returns me:
“Detecting USB of the target
No device connected”

Is there any way to flash the WP7702 with another board ? Is there a possibility to use JTAG ? Have you any idea ?

Thank you,

Try rebooting the PC that you’re doing the programming with.

It worked, thank you, but do you have any idea why ?

Sorry, I have never seen the swiflash code and I don’t really have a good idea of how it works under the hood.