I’m running the Ubuntu 16.04 VM under Win 10, talking to a MangOH Red.
Ping and SSH work OK
Using the Getting Started guide, entered the cfglegato command, which came back with
"No toolchain found for target 'ar7
Unable to find compatible cross-build toochain for target 'ar7’
No toolchain found for target 'ar86’
Unable to find compatible cross-build toochain for target ‘ar86’ "
After this, not able to send update file to MangOH board. Command is:
instsys mangOH_Red.wp85.update
I am assuming this fails (“not an update file”, but it does exist) because the config line above failed.
Fist things first, what tools do I need to install to get cfglegato working?
Did you run the make command specified in the getting started guide before doing the instsys? Also, those “Not toolchain found for target X” messages are just warnings. They can be ignored because ar7 and ar86 are not platforms you are building for.
Did I run the make? Absolutely. Full set of git commands, plus make.
It looks like things are starting to get moving, found an issue with my instsys command, got a successful update. There were a lot of console error messages because of the failure to build ar7, so thanks for the comment about warnings. I was not sure if I should be concerned because I was building for an ARM 7 processor or something.