httpServer installation

I tried installing the httpServer on my Legato wp76xx but seems to not be working correctly. I read the readme and presumed that just by typing “make” inside the terminal when one is under the httpServer folder then the make script would just download and create all necessary files, that seems to not be the case, so I attempted to do it manually but no sucess, for example when typing :

CCFLAGS="-DDEBUG -g" CC=$WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc RANLIB=$WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-ranlib STRIP=$WP85_TOOLCHAIN_DIR/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-strip ./configure --host=arm-poky-linux --enable-static --enable-shared --without-zlib --without-bzip2 --without-pcre --with-openssl --with-openssl-libs=/usr/lib

onto the terminal I get bash: ./configure: No such file so I have no idea if this is the way to do it. Please help