To get IMEI information for WP76 module, my customer would like to use le_info_GetImei().
But customer showed compile error.
I tried to build simple IMEI code but not succeed it yet.
The following is my code, please advise how to modify it?
Note: I checked cm_info GitHub. But I cannot succeed it yet.
sample.c (345 Bytes)
you can see this sample, you need to also change .adef and .cdef :
Thanks. I changed adef and cdef file but not succeed it yet. I put the my test code, please check it.
The following is my compile error.
(lsh:wp76stable) MVWXU1N1:~/myWorkspace/IMEI$ mkapp -t wp76xx -i ./leaf-data/current/wp76-legato/interfaces/modemServices infoTest.adef
/home/FMV/myWorkspace/IMEI/infoTest/Component.cdef:10:2: error: Can’t find dependent .api file: ‘le_mdc.api’ (3.4 KB)
I don’t see problem, you can use my code:
infoTest.rar (297.5 KB)
Thanks. My customer tried to compile it under their environment but not succeed it yet. The following is error message.
Please let us know which command should send for compiling your code?
(lsh:wp76stable) mangoh@mangoh-dev:~/myWorkspace/infoTest$ mkapp -t wp76xx infoTest.adef
/home/mangoh/myWorkspace/infoTest/infoTest/Component.cdef:10:8: error: Couldn’t find file ‘le_info.api.’
If possible, please let us know how to compile using makefile inside?
I do not know how to compile using makefile under leaf.
Didn’t the makefile have the mkapp command
Or you can type make in leaf shell