Disable sleep clock WP7702

Hi all,

I’m measuring a small noise signal radiating from the Mangoh red with a WP7702 module in the range of 64KHz. Since we are using this module in a project where we need a very sensitive 55KHz receiver, this signal is disturbing our signal. I suspect it may be a second harmonic of the 32.768KHz sleep clock.

Is there a way to disable the 32KHz sleep clock? That would make it easy to solve or rule it out.

Best regards,

here says:

pin 23 generates a 32KHz square wave while the unit is powered, it is available as long as the unit is in ULPM (so effectively off)

BTW, do you see this 32K clock when module is in active mode?


Yes, I can measure the 32KHz in normal operation mode.

Best regards,

Then it seems you cannot stop it