Does Mangoh red WP7702 support bluetooth?
You can use talon wl81xx iot card
Also you can have a look on this
We dont support full integration. You can use some of the demo apps we have but nothing more.
Integration on yellow is much more comprehensive.
I was wondering if there is any sample for the how to implement the bluetooth into legato, driver is up an running but I am unsure if we should use the 'bluetoothctl,or the hcitool.
bluetoothctl can scan, trust and pair but it will never connect, hcitool I am unsure how to connect as the ‘cc’ command will not connect to the device even if this is detected by the scan command.
yes, I did it
I compiled utilities for BLE usage, so I was able to scan and connect to BLE devices with vast toolset
I also managed to activate the full “BLE server” example on the mangoH red.
key advice. compile utilities with the mangoH yellow leaf , and cp to the mangoH red