Bluetooth Command


Any one could help me with the Bluetooth IOT module installed on a mangoh red dev board. I made some modifications to the in order to define the right GPIO used to reset and enable the bluetooth Module. Then, I installed bluetoothUtil api. Now, I would like to make a scan of the bluetooth devices. Is there a command like wifi client scan that I could run it !!! Thank you.

In addition te the modifications that you have made to the verify with the AT command AT!MAPUART? that the uart is well mapped to the “Customer Linux application” (code 17). After that you can use the command under /legato/systems/current/appsWearebale/bluetoothUtil/bin , you will find hcitool and gatttool you can use them as follows :
./hcitool lescan

onece you get the mac adress you type :

gatttool -b <@mac> -I

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