I am facing this issue with client - server application. I am trying to add my server app and client app in sdef like below
in default.sdef
myclient.mydata -> myserver.mydata
but not able to build getting below error
/home/mangoh/legato-17.11.0/build/wp85/system/binApps/myclient/myclient.adef:12:4: error: Executable ‘myclient’ not defined in application.
Makefile:414: recipe for target ‘system_wp85’ failed
make: *** [system_wp85] Error 1
But if I add only the server app in sdef that means no ipc binding defined in sdef then there is no error. it throwing error only when i add client app with the ipc binding.
tried with legato 16.10.03 and 17.11 but both the cases i am getting similar error.
I have tried with helloipc example code attached here helloIpc.zip (25.3 KB)
and have the same issue (see below)
/home/mangoh/legato-16.10.3/build/wp750x/system/binApps/printClient/printClient.adef:43:4: error: Executable ‘client’ not defined in application.
Makefile:382: recipe for target ‘system_wp750x’ failed
make: *** [system_wp750x] Error 1
in my sdef i have these 2 apps along with other platform services
First thing to do is to make sure that the pointed .app files in the sdef file are not located in the same directory that the .adef file (to avoid confusion)
That said, as soon as your adef file is correctly defined at the bindings level, you don’t need to specify it again in the sdef file.
The bindings section of the sdef file is used only if you want to override the client app binding in order to bind it to something different (another implementation of the interface)
As soon as you have apps correctly defined, just pointing at them without overriding the binding should just work:
is extracted from the .app file, and is the one used by mksys to figure out what is the packed app content. Please can you share it so that we can see what is the issue?
The file doesn’t look good indeed.
Are your binary apps built with Legato 17.11 as well?
There were bugs on binary apps generation in Legato 16.10.3 which are fixed on recent versions…
We’re working at providing preliminary packages more systematically (when waiting for products to be upgraded to more recent Legato versions).
In the meantime, I guess you successfully built the Legato framework in version 17.11
The build folder will contain the legato.cwe file for your module. You just need to install it on the device (with fwupdate or swiflash) to get it upgraded.
yes, all our apps rebuild using 17.11
We can install / remove apps using update /app tool manually without any issue but we are facing this issue, when we used our existing SOTA Service app(based on update api http://legato.io/legato-docs/latest/c_update.html) to install any app from our ftp. After this we are now not able to install or remove any app manually using UPDATE and APP tools also because of earlier mentioned error .
May be our SOTA Service app needs some modification to work good with 17.11