AT cmds for Mirage Talon from MangoH Red board AT port

How about running the iptables command before running the app?

The Android app will be run when the user wants to enable wifi.
The iptables command need to be executed at the WP end, so that the Android app can communicate over socket atServer app at WP.

it did not affect you to run iptables command before running the app.

Regret, but i dont understand it.

The Android App can only send custom at commands after the socket communication is established.
For the socket communication to be successful the WP shud enable IP table command.

On our custom board after assembly, we will not have access to the WP or its console, once it is booted up.
Currently my setup is not assembled and i have access to console of WP, and i manually run.

ON bootup like how we did “ifconfig usb0” to be up automatically, we wanted something like that for iptable command too.

I mean this:

int i;
LE_INFO(" *************** atServerStart *********************** “);
system(”/sbin/ifconfig ecm0");
system("/usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -j ACCEPT");
LE_INFO(“atServerStart setting for ifconfig done \n”);
system("/legato/systems/current/bin/app runProc atServerWifiSocket --exe=atServerTest – socket");
LE_INFO(“atServerStart finished running atServerWifiStart runProc \n”);

LE_INFO(“Set IP tables Finished \n”);

thanks a lot jyijyi for answering my dumbest questions and able to resolve issues with patience.

Your input worked.

am not able to get any response when i run atserverTest

I issued the dollowing command app runProc atServerIntegrationTest --exe=atServerTest – tty /dev/ttyHS0
but i dint get any response when i gave at+test command

These are the following settings in my board
!MAPUART: 17,16

Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: WP7608
Revision: SWI9X07Y_02.28.03.03 000000 jenkins 2019/05/21 03:33:04
IMEI: 352913090290345
FSN: 3N926471580910
can you say what am missing

here says “AT+TEST is working only into the socket mode.”

i excuted the sample am always getting le_arg_GetArg(0) as Null value,what should i do to read value from it

You can try this application as example on how to pass argument to legato app: